Ways To Save on Billing Fees

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Let’s face it, no one likes billing fees. Billing fees, in the form of installment fees and late fees, can add up quickly if you aren’t careful.

The good news is that there are several options that may help you save on billing by reducing the chances of a late payment, decrease installment fees, and may offer you a discount on your policy.

In addition to the money you will save, these payment options make your life more convenient. Who doesn’t want one less piece of mail to open, one less check to write, and one less stamp to buy?

Pay in Full

The policy premium is paid in full by you at the beginning of each policy period.

Recurring Credit Card Billing

Each payment is automatically charged to your credit card of choice. This is a great option if your card provides rewards like Frequent Flyer miles!

Electronic Funds Transfer

You choose a bank account to have your premium deducted from, and the day of the month to have it deducted.

Make the smart choice. Call or email your MetzWood Advisor today.